The BBS Xchange
Member of the BBS Xchange

BBS Xchange
The original banner exchange
for BBS-related sites.

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Questions and Answers
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at

Q: How much does this cost?
A: BBS Xchange is totally free for any BBS-related site to join.

Q: Why are banners shown randomly?
A: A random method of picking banners, rather than a point-based system was chosen because it best reflects the BBS community. The probability of your banner being shown on another site is not determined by the number of visitors you get to your own site. The BBS community is one of sharing and not of cut-throat competition. We wish to continue this and bring the online BBS community together through BBS Xchange.

Q: Can I put the BBS Xchange code on more than one page?
A: Yes, you can. In order to force web browsers to not show the same banner on each page, you can change the page=## value in the code, where "##" is any number between 00 and 99. Keep in mind that there are two references to the page number, and both must be set the same. For example:

;banner=NONSSI;page=01" TARGET="_top"><IMG SRC=
;page=01" width=440 height=40 alt="BBS Xchange" BORDER=1>
<SMALL><A HREF="" TARGET="_top">
Member of the BBS Xchange</SMALL></CENTER>

..changes to..

;banner=NONSSI;page=02" TARGET="_top"><IMG SRC=
;page=02" width=440 height=40 alt="BBS Xchange" BORDER=1>
<SMALL><A HREF="" TARGET="_top">
Member of the BBS Xchange</SMALL></CENTER>

If you need any help with this, feel free to mail us.

Q: What about cookies?
A: Currently BBS Xchange uses cookies to determine which banner someone is looking at. These cookies do not store anything of value on anyone's computer. We are in the process of testing a cookie-less system which will not require cookies at all.

Q: What kind of software do you use?
A: Believe it or not, we actually get asked this question often. The banner exchange software that is used has been custom developed from scratch using no existing code. By "re-inventing the wheel" we are able to fully customize the system to our needs. Our banner exchange software is not currently not publicly available.

Q: What if my question is not answered here?
A: Well, then email us and we will try our best to answer your question!

Please send mail to
Copyright © 1997-2004 The BBS Xchange; All Rights Reserved.