The BBS Xchange
Member of the BBS Xchange

BBS Xchange
The original banner exchange
for BBS-related sites.

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Join BBS Xchange
Site Rules: Sites may not contain the following or links to the following:
"Warez", pornographic materials, serial numbers to commercial software, or cracking programs. BBS Xchange reserves the right to suspend, modify, or remove any site on the BBS Xchange if it contains any of the above material or links to it.
Your site must be related to BBS's in some way. This will be verified upon your submission of this form. If your site does not relate to BBS's, then it will be removed from the exchange.
Banner Rules:Your banner must be a non-animated .GIF or .JPG file, 400x40 (400 pixels wide by 40 pixels tall), not including the exchange logo we will automaticly add to it. Your banner must include the name of your site. Animated banners are not allowed to keep banner loading time to a minimum. Please don't use phrases like 'the biggest' or 'the best' to describe your site, as other members might object.
Please do not alter your banner code to open a new Window (target=new) when clicked on. Anyone found doing this will have their account disabled.
Start by selecting a Site ID, and password. The Site ID can be a description of your site without any spaces or special characters. Your password should be something that no one could guess.

Site ID:

Please send mail to
Copyright © 1997-2004 The BBS Xchange; All Rights Reserved.